I'm required to create a touring machine for
Z =(Xi + Ki)mod 2
but I'm completely lost in terms of creating a Turing machine for a modulo of 2. X and K are binary inputs where i is the length of the string. The input is given as such where:
the Y just acts as a separator for binary strings X and K which could vary in length. The problem I'm having now is regarding the modulo part of the equation. How do i begin with mod 2 and what I'm supposed to look out for?
Based on this I think what you are asking for is Z such that Z_i = X_i + Y_i (mod 2):
(X0 X1 X2 ... Xi
+ K0 K1 K2 ... Ki)
% 2 2 2 ... 2
= Z0 Z1 Z2 ... Zi
Given this and an input tape like BXX...XY...KK...KBB... where B is blank, XX...X is an i-digit binary number, Y is a separator and KK...K is another i-digit binary number, the problem is easy:
Example: 0011 + 1010
^ move to the end of input, write V separator, reset head
^ move right to first 0
^ enter X0, write W, move right to first 1 after Y
^ enter Z1, write W, move right to first blank after V
^ write 1, return to beginning, repeat
^ find 0, X0, find 0, Z0, write 0, return to start, repeat
^ find 1, X1, find 1, Z0, write 0, return to start, repeat
^ find 1, X1, find 0, Z1, write 1, return to start, repeat
^ find Y, copy from after V to beginning, erase rest, halt.