I am using FOP (version 2.3.0). When I try to compile the Spanish patterns I downloaded from OFFO running ant jar-hyphenation
, I get next error:
[java] Processing /home/pf/MEGA/prg/java/fop/trunk/fop/hyph/es.xml
[java] Exception in thread "main" java.lang.StackOverflowError
[java] at org.apache.fop.hyphenation.TernaryTree.insert(TernaryTree.java:180)
[java] at org.apache.fop.hyphenation.TernaryTree.insert(TernaryTree.java:244)
And the last line of output is repeated a zillion of times.
Other patterns are compiled without problems, but when I include the Spanish ones, the build process crashes. Just to be sure the file was not corrupted, I downloaded a more recent version of es.xml but ant is still crashing.
On https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/FOP-2569, I found the solution:
The recursion at org.apache.fop.hyphenation.TernaryTree.insert(TernaryTree.java:244) is correct, but it requires more stack size. Fix:
>diff build.xml~ build.xml 184c184 < <property name="hyph.stacksize" value="512k"/> — > <property name="hyph.stacksize" value="1M"/>
The build process just needed a bigger stack. The build.xml file to be modified resides in the parent directory of the hyph directory. I increased the stack and was just able to compile everything.