I need to reload a file when it updated automatically in Liberty. To make it more clear, I want to make a path like "dropins" in liberty, it can automatically detect the change of files or we can scan this folder manually. I need to load the files in this folder when they changed.
I've no idea how to achieve this.... Could anyone here know about it?
If you are not averse to writing a Liberty feature (not hard, but requires a little background reading), then you can register a listener for changes to specific files by implementing the
interface as a Declarative Service. Once registered as a DS, the Liberty file monitor will invoke your implementation's methods. It invokes onBaseline(Collection<File> baseline)
on startup, and onChange(Collection<File> createdFiles, Collection<File> modifiedFiles, Collection<File> deletedFiles)
when a change of some sort has occurred.
One implementation might look like this:
@Component(immediate="true", property={"monitor.directories=/path/to/myMonitoredDir"})
public class MyFileMonitor implements FileMonitor {
public void onBaseline(Collection<File> baseline) {
System.out.println("Initial file state:");
for (File f : baseline) {
public void onChange(Collection<File> createdFiles, Collection<File> modifiedFiles, Collection<File> deletedFiles) {
System.out.println("Newly added files:");
for (File f : createdFiles) {
System.out.println("Newly deleted files:");
for (File f : deletedFiles) {
System.out.println("Modified files:");
for (File f : modifiedFiles) {
Hope this helps,