I am trying to control Paraview interactively using IDLE. This would involve sending commands from IDLE and seeing the changes occur in Paraview. I would rather not use the in-Paraview python shell.
So far, I have succeeded in importing the Paraview modules (simple, servermanager…etc) from IDLE. However the commands sent do not reflect in Paraview. For instance:
>>> from paraview.simple import *
>>> cone = Cone()
>>> Show()
>>> Render()
does indeed create a cone. However the cone is output to a new, independent OpenGL window, and not the Paraview GUI.
Is it possible to control Paraview interactively using IDLE? If so how to accomplish this? Thanks
You need to run paraview in multiclient/server mode. In a terminal run pvserver.
./bin/pvserver --multi-clients
In another terminal, run paraview and connect to your server
AddServer -> Choose a name -> Configure -> Save
In a third terminal, run pvpython (or your own configured python)
>> from paraview.simple import *
>> Connect("localhost")
>> Cone()
>> Show()