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how to save <httpfile> of video in python server

In python tornado server,I got a file of video(like:test.mp4) from client's request. And the type of file is 'tornado.httputil.HTTPFile'.

I want to save it to my server like './video/myvideo.mp4'. I know opencv videoCapture may could do that,but didn't use the APIs well.


  • You can save files by using Python's built-in open() function, like:

    with open('myfile.txt', 'w') as f:
        f.write('Hello world')

    A simple Tornado example:

    class UploadHandler(tornado.web.RequestHandler):
        # ...
        def post(self):
            for field_name, files in self.request.files.items():
                for info in files:
                    filename = info['filename'] # name of the file
                    # NOTE: as pointed out by Ben Darnell, if user submitted 
                    # filename contains special characters like "../",
                    # it poses a security risk. You should generate your 
                    # own filenames. See `uuid.uuid4()`.
                    body = info['body'] # contents of the file
                    with open('video/%s' % filename, 'w') as f:
            self.write('Upload successful')

    NOTE: If the uploaded files are large, you might face some problems. Read this - issue on GitHub. You can, however, use tornado.web.stream_request_body decorator to circumvent this issue, although I have neither any experience with that nor a working code example.