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can write OnClickListener into parceable?

Hello I have a trouble with OnClickListener

View.OnClickListener listener= new View.OnClickListener() 
public void onClick(View view) 
     Toast.makeText(Conversations.this, "click on  MSG", 


I Need put this listener into Fragment which will parceable. I not parceableing listener but after readvalue is null and when click app crasher because it's reference on null object.

now I need find some methods which can use for save and read object (View.OnClickListener) if parceable or something similar. Without this I need rebuild my project :(

Please Help me.



I haven't have fragment in fragment I want all fragment put into "extra" and in other activity read from extra..

Intent i= new Intent(Conversations.this,MessagesSingleFragmentActivity.cla‌​ss); i.putExtra("Fragment1", (Parcelable) recycleMessage); startActivity(i);

and in other activity have

Intent extras = getIntent(); Fragment fragment = (Fragment) extras.getParcelableExtra("Fragment1"); fm.beginTransaction().replace(, fragment).commit();


  • No you cannot pass OnClickListener as Parcelable but , if you want to observe click from one fragment to another , then you have to implement the onclick in second fragment. who have onClickListener

    Runnable run;
    public void setClick(Runnable run){ = run;
    view.setOnClickListener(new OnClickListener(){
        public void onClick(View v){
            // do something in onclick

           new Runnable() {
                public void run() {
                    // do something in other fragment


    If you want to perform something onClick of ActivityA on ActivityB , then EventBus are best options for that use Otto or EventBus by GreenBot