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Import cells without strikeout from xlsx

I'm trying to import an excel file avoiding cell that have a strikeout as style, but I'm not sure of how to do it.

I know that in the library XLConnect there is a function getCellStyle but I cannot find much documentation on how to use it with a strikethroug/strikeout and I would like to avoid that library because sometimes it gives me problems when the workbook is big.


  • I found a workaround to this problem:

    1. I have a VBA macro to remove the strikethrough and that iterates through all the sheets. Code available here
    2. I embedded the first macro into another one that applies the changes to all files in a folder that the user can select (you can skip this step if you need it just for one file). Code available here.
    3. I call the macro from R. Code here.