I've seen several resources about how to back up Zeppelin projects in git. (e.g. Is it possible to integrate Zeppelin notes with git?).
However, none of them has made clear whether source code and data are stored in separate files, which would allow you to gitignore the data and only show "real" human-readable code changes to the notebook.
Is this possible? I think my question boils down to: does Zeppelin store data separate from code or is there some configuration that allows it?
Note: I haven't tried using Zeppelin yet - I'm just been researching it, but I have used Jupyter (IPython) notebooks and I know they mix code and data so you end up versioning data and arbitrarily refreshing meaningless outputs like graphics and instance ids etc.
Using version 0.6.1 here, but everything so far has been in one json file, unfortunately. It's stored currently in "result" node. As a workaround, you can truncate note results since - I think - 0.7.0, using zeppelin API, so you can try and automate that to only see the code during inspection.