I want o monitor a log file and fire an alert only if I receive error
more than 9 times in last 5 minutes, and if I don't get any error in the last 5 minutes set It to OK State.
see below trigger.
{Zabbix server:log["/opt/test.log","ERROR",,300].count(5m,"ERROR")}>9
Above Trigger will fire trigger. but its not coming back to OK State if I don't receive error
in log file.
How to get Notified for OK STATE
use below trigger for the above requirements, it will definitely solve your problem for what you are looking.
{Zabbix Agent:log[/home/abhishek/Desktop/zabbix_scripts/test.log,**Error**].count(5m,"Error")}>9 and {Zabbix Agent:log[/home/abhishek/Desktop/zabbix_scripts/test.log,**Error**].nodata(5m)}=0
Also change keywords according to your needs.