I apologize if the title is not clear enough but is this possible to do in Qlikview?
This is the original table loaded from database.
Variable Status Date Duration (Hours)
A StatusA 9/10/2017 18:30:00.00 4
A StatusB 9/10/2017 23:30:00.00 5
B StatusA 9/10/2017 10:00:00.00 8
B StatusB 9/10/2017 21:45:00.00 9
And how I want this to process.
Variable Status Date Duration (Hours) FinishDate
A StatusA 9/10/2017 18:30:00.00 4 9/10/2017 22:30:00.00
A StatusB 9/10/2017 23:30:00.00 0.5 9/10/2017 23:59:59.59
A StatusB 9/11/2017 0:00:00.00 4.5 9/11/2017 3:30:00.00
B StatusA 9/10/2017 10:00:00.00 8 9/10/2017 18:00:00.00
B StatusB 9/10/2017 21:45:00.00 2.25 9/10/2017 23:59:59.59
B StatusB 9/11/2017 0:00:00.00 6.75 9/11/2017 6:15:00.00
I know this is possible through resident table but how to check if the Variable's running time exceeded a day then creates another row to separate the duration to next day. This is the case because I have a filter by week so if the last day (or Saturday) has a Variable with exceeded duration, data won't be accurate.
The result data will need to get the total duration per Variable which is filtered by week.
LOAD *, timestamp(Timestamp+[Duration Hours]/24) as FinishDate;
LOAD *, timestamp(Timestamp#(left(Date,19),'DD-MM-YYYY hh:mm:ss')) as Timestamp;
[EquipmentID] AS [Equipment ID],
[TransactionDate] AS [Date],
[LotID] AS [Lot ID],
[Status] AS [Status],
[DurationHours] AS [Duration Hours];
FROM [SQL_SourceDB].[dbo].[SourceTable]
WHERE [TransactionDate] >= '2016-01-01 00:00:00.000' AND [TransactionDate] <= '2016-01-31 00:00:00.000';
Left Join // add a split-flag where needed
LOAD Distinct Timestamp,FinishDate,fabs(Date(left(FinishDate,10))-Date(left(Timestamp,10)) >=1) as SplitFlag
Resident T1;
T2: // load first part (current day) of split-flag=1
[Equipment ID],
[Timestamp] AS [Date],
[Lot ID],
round((DayEnd(Timestamp)-Timestamp)*24,0.1) AS [Duration Hours]
Resident T1
Where SplitFlag=1;
Concatenate // load second part (next day) where split-flag=1
[Equipment ID],
daystart(FinishDate) AS [Date],
[Lot ID],
round((FinishDate-daystart(FinishDate))*24,0.1) AS [Duration Hours]
Resident T1
Where SplitFlag=1;
Concatenate // add the rest of the data (split-flag=0)
LOAD * Resident T1 Where SplitFlag=0;
DROP Table T1;
This should work (see comments in code):
T1: // first need to set a proper timestamp and FinishDate
Load *, timestamp(Timestamp+[Duration (Hours)]/24) as FinishDate;
Load *, timestamp(Timestamp#(left(Date,19),'DD-MM-YYYY hh:mm:ss')) as Timestamp;
Variable, Status, Date, Duration (Hours)
A, StatusA, 10-09-2017 18:30:00.00, 4
A, StatusB, 10-09-2017 23:30:00.00, 5
B, StatusA, 10-09-2017 10:00:00.00, 8
B, StatusB, 10-09-2017 21:45:00.00, 9
left join // add a split-flag where needed
Load Distinct Timestamp,FinishDate,fabs(Date(left(FinishDate,10))-Date(left(Timestamp,10)) >=1) as SplitFlag
Resident T1;
T2: // load first part (current day) of split-flag=1
Load Variable,Status,
dayEnd(Timestamp) as FinishDate,
round((DayEnd(Timestamp)-Timestamp)*24,0.1) as [Duration (Hours)]
Resident T1
where SplitFlag=1;
Concatenate // load second part (next day) where split-flag=1
Load Variable,Status,
daystart(FinishDate) as Timestamp,
round((FinishDate-daystart(FinishDate))*24,0.1) as [Duration (Hours)]
Resident T1
where SplitFlag=1;
Concatenate // add the rest of the data (split-flag=0)
Load * Resident T1 Where SplitFlag=0;
drop table T1;