I am creating a hybrid app using Angular 4 and Cordova as I want to target both desktop and mobile platforms with single code base. I have followed following directory structure of my project:
I am developing the application in angular 4 and use to build using Angular CLI. I have hook which copy the angular build into cordova 'www' folder and then I create the apk. Issue is I want to use FCM (Firebase Cloud Messaging) in my cordova app to receive messages from server but I can't as I am developing in Angular 4 (Ref. directory structure above). Could anyone help how I can use cordova plugins with angular 4. I am open to change the directory structure if required.
I got the answer. 1. Just need to add the FCM plugin in cordova project by running following command: cordova plugin add cordova-plugin-fcm 2. Now in angular project do the following changes in "app.component.ts" file:
ngOnInit() {
document.addEventListener("deviceready", onDeviceReady, false);
onDeviceReady() {
FCMPlugin.getToken((token) => {
this.pushtoken = token;
console.log('getToken:', token);
if (!token) {
setTimeout(this.getToken, 1000);
}, (err) => {
console.log('error retrieving token: ' + err);