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Differentiating Azure SDK Namespaces Microsoft.Azure.Management and Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Management

We have 2 namespaces as part of Azure SDK i.e. Microsoft.Azure.Management and Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Management. 1. How do we differentiate or which one to use when? 2. Is Microsoft.Azure.Management won't support all services? 3. I could able to create a classic storage account using Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Management and so is it only supports classic and not supports to create a storage account under a Resource Group?

Any light here would be appreciated?


    1. How do we differentiate or which one to use when?

    As far as I know, the Microsoft.Azure.Management is used to create the new arm azure resources.

    The Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Management(you could see the last updated date is 2014/9/16) is used created the classic asm resources.

    The difference between arm and asm, you could refer to this article.

    I suggest you could choose Microsoft.Azure.Management to create new arm resources in azure. Like web app, VM and so on.

    Because, multiple service now only support arm(e.g web app).

    1. Is Microsoft.Azure.Management won't support all services?

    Not all services is supported in Microsoft.Azure.Management, but it is still updating.

    About the library supported service, you could refer to this.

    I could able to create a classic storage account using Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Management and so is it only supports classic and not supports to create a storage account under a Resource Group?

    Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Management doesn't support created the storage account under a resource group.