I have a MySQL table in which a column name is tags
and type is VARCHAR
. I'm inserting the data with comma separated:
tag1, tag2, tag3, tag4, tag5, tag6
My query from node is:
app.get('/tagtest', (req, res) => {
var tags = []; // <= Not sure if I need this or how to push tags here.
connection.query("SELECT * FROM tagtestpost", (err, rows)=>{
Response from above query is:
[{"id":1,"tags":"tag1, tag2, tag3"},{"id":2,"tags":"tag2, tag4"}]
I want to return the tags in an array. So the response
should look like:
[{"id":1,"tags":[tag1, tag2, tag3]},{"id":2,"tags":[tag2, tag4]}]
How can I achieve this?
app.get('/showtagposts', (req, res) => {
connection.query("SELECT * FROM postwithtagtest", (err, rows)=>{
var a = rows;
const expected = a.map((post) => ({
tags: post.tags.split(/,\s+/)
The accepted answer doesn't actually split the tags into separate values within an array. The following does:
const a = [{"id":1,"tags":"tag1, tag2, tag3"},{"id":2,"tags":"tag2, tag4"}];
// ES6
const expected = a.map((post) => ({
tags: post.tags.split(/,\s+/)
// ES5
const expected = a.map(function (post) {
return Object.assign({}, post, {
tags: post.tags.split(/,\s+/)
It appears that the spread operator does not work with object when using Node. See here: Node v6 failing on object spread
I've changed it to use Object.assign
app.get('/showtagposts', (req, res) => {
connection.query("SELECT * FROM postwithtagtest", (err, rows) => {
const data = rows.map((post) => {
return Object.assign({}, post, {
tags: post.tags.split(/,\s+/)