Does anyone have suggestions on what's wrong with my code? Here's the code:
echo $this->find("css","#address-container")->getHtml();
$field = $this->find("css","#address-container .region input");
echo $field->isVisible() ? "I can see myself!!!" : "no can not see";
echo $field->getAttribute('type');
When I run the test, this is the result
│ <legend>Address</legend>
│ <div class="field city">
│ <label>*City</label>
│ <input class="required city" name="address_add[0][city]" value="" type="text">
│ </div>
│ <div class="field region">
│ <label>*Prov./State</label>
│ <input class="required region" name="address_add[0][region]" value="" type="text">
│ </div>
│ <div class="field country">
│ <label>*Country</label>
│ <input class="required country" name="address_add[0][country]" value="" type="text">
│ </div>
│ no can not seetext
Element is not currently visible and so may not be interacted with
Build info: version: '2.53.1', revision: 'a36b8b1', time: '2016-06-30 17:37:03'
System info: host: 'ubuntu', ip: '', 'Linux', os.arch: 'amd64', os.version: '4.9.15-x86_64-linode81', java.version: '1.8.0_121'
Driver info: driver.version: unknown (WebDriver\Exception\ElementNotVisible)
I am expecting the #address-container .region input
to be VISIBLE. When I go to my browser and go through the steps manually, I do see the region field being visible. Other things I checked for are:
What else could be causing the region field to be hidden? Are there better tools for me to use to troubleshoot this issue?
If I swapped the position of the region and country html like this:
│ <div class="field country">
│ <label>*Country</label>
│ <input class="required country" name="address_add[0][country]" value="" type="text">
│ </div>
│ <div class="field region">
│ <label>*Prov./State</label>
│ <input class="required region" name="address_add[0][region]" value="" type="text">
│ </div>
Then region becomes visible. But if Change my behat code to look for country, now it's country that's invisible!
So is behat seeing something different that I odn't see in a REAL browser?
The problem was that selenium had a monitor resolution of 800x600. So the elements were actually out of the view port at times. When I increase the monitor resolution to 1366x768, everything worked fine. I was able to debug this by using selenium screenshots.