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SPARQL: Exclude datatype uri from query result

I am trying to learn SPARQL queries on Protege and I have added some individuals to query on the Movie ontology found at : Movie Ontology

I have following simple sparql query:

Query 1: Get all movies and actors having rating more than 7.0 

PREFIX rdf: <>
PREFIX owl: <>
PREFIX rdfs: <>
PREFIX xsd: <>

PREFIX dbo: <>
PREFIX mov: <>

SELECT ?subject ?actors ?rating
    WHERE { 
        ?subject a mov:Movie;
             mov:hasActor ?actors;
            mov:imdbrating ?rating.
        Filter(?rating > "7.0"^^xsd:double)

And I am getting the result as expected:


The problem is that I dont need the ^^xsd:double uri in the rating column !! How do I get rid of the uri " ^^ ". Thanks in advance !


  • Use str to get the lexical part

    SELECT ?subject ?actors (str(?rating) AS ?r)