I have MAMP set up on my iMac and on my Macbook. I want to keep both installs synced using dropbox. When upgrading MAMP the only 2 folders you need to transfer are 'db' & 'htdocs'. My theory is then that these are the only 2 folders I need to keep in sync. Sound right to you so far?
Syncing the 'htdocs' folder is easy as you can put it in your dropbox and point the MAMP preferences to the dropbox folder, but the 'db' folder has no such option.
Any suggestions on how I could keep the 'db' folder synced? Thanks.
What I ended up doing was putting my hotdocs folder into my dropbox and changing the path in MAMP to the dropbox version. I than asked a friend to set up a few mysql remote databases for me. This combination has been working great. I have to use Sequel Pro to access the database which is a nice app. I was originally hoping to use phpmyadmin or learn the terminal but those features were not available on my mates server. Hope this helps someone else.
Dropbox has such a small lag too that I have even found myself coding on one comp and refreshing on another comp. Dropbox is worth finding uses for.