I am trying to read network interface configuration on macOS using the System Configuration framework with Swift. I am getting a CFPropertyList
which actually is a CFDictionary
. Each dictionary entry contains a CFArray
. With CFShow
I was able to verify that I got the expected data. What I am actually not able to do is to access the dictionary values. With CFGetTypeId
I am not getting the same value as returned by CFArrayGetTypeID()
Here is what I tried to get the IP address from the property list:
import SystemConfiguration
func readIP() {
let cfName = "Demo" as CFString
let dynamicStore = SCDynamicStoreCreate(nil, cfName, nil, nil)
let key = "State:/Network/Interface/en0/IPv4" as CFString
guard let plist: CFPropertyList = SCDynamicStoreCopyValue(dynamicStore, key) else {return}
print("Key: \(key):")
print("Value: \(plist)")
let typeIdPList = CFGetTypeID(plist)
let typeIdDictionary = CFDictionaryGetTypeID()
print("typeIdPList: \(typeIdPList)")
print("typeIdDictionary: \(typeIdDictionary)")
guard typeIdPList == typeIdDictionary else {return}
let cfDict: CFDictionary = plist as! CFDictionary
let rawPointerToKeyAddresses = Unmanaged.passUnretained(kSCPropNetIPv4Addresses).toOpaque()
var rawPointerToValue: UnsafeRawPointer?
guard CFDictionaryGetValueIfPresent(cfDict, rawPointerToKeyAddresses, &rawPointerToValue) == true else {return}
let anyRef: CFTypeRef = rawPointerToValue as CFTypeRef
let typeIdValue = CFGetTypeID(anyRef)
let typeIdArray = CFArrayGetTypeID()
print("typeIdValue: \(typeIdValue)")
print("typeIdArray: \(typeIdArray)")
let cfArray: CFArray = anyRef as! CFArray
let typeId = CFGetTypeID(cfArray)
print("typeId: \(typeId)")
let desc = CFCopyDescription(anyRef)
let typeDesc = CFCopyTypeIDDescription(CFGetTypeID(anyRef))
print("CFTypeRef description: \(desc!)")
print("CFTypeRef type description: \(typeDesc!)")
The output is as follows:
<CFBasicHash 0x610000069500 [0x7fffc4383da0]>{type = immutable dict, count = 3, entries =>
0 : Addresses = <CFArray 0x610000069440 [0x7fffc4383da0]>{type = immutable, count = 1, values = (
0 : <CFString 0x610000028980 [0x7fffc4383da0]>{contents = ""}
1 : <CFString 0x610000044c20 [0x7fffc4383da0]>{contents = "BroadcastAddresses"} = <CFArray 0x610000069480 [0x7fffc4383da0]>{type = immutable, count = 1, values = (
0 : <CFString 0x610000044c50 [0x7fffc4383da0]>{contents = ""}
2 : <CFString 0x7fffc429d300 [0x7fffc4383da0]>{contents = "SubnetMasks"} = <CFArray 0x6100000694c0 [0x7fffc4383da0]>{type = immutable, count = 1, values = (
0 : <CFString 0x6100000289a0 [0x7fffc4383da0]>{contents = ""}
Key: State:/Network/Interface/en0/IPv4:
Value: {
Addresses = (
BroadcastAddresses = (
SubnetMasks = (
typeIdPList: 18
typeIdDictionary: 18
typeIdValue: 1
typeIdArray: 19
typeId: 1
CFTypeRef description: 0x0000610000069440
CFTypeRef type description: CFType
already supports subscripting, so there is no need to hassle with CFDictionary
and raw pointers, you can simplify the code to
let cfName = "Demo" as CFString
let dynamicStore = SCDynamicStoreCreate(nil, cfName, nil, nil)
let key = "State:/Network/Interface/en0/IPv4" as CFString
guard let plist = SCDynamicStoreCopyValue(dynamicStore, key) else {return}
if let addresses = plist[kSCPropNetIPv4Addresses] as? [String] {
But if you are really curious how to make your CFDictionary
based approach work: The problem is that
let anyRef: CFTypeRef = rawPointerToValue as CFTypeRef
wraps the pointer value in to a CFTypeRef
(aka AnyObject
What you want is to cast the pointer:
let anyRef = unsafeBitCast(rawPointerToValue!, to: CFTypeRef.self)
guard CFGetTypeID(anyRef) == CFArrayGetTypeID() else { return }
let cfArray = anyRef as! CFArray
// ...
Another (equivalent) way of doing the pointer cast is
let anyRef = Unmanaged<CFTypeRef>.fromOpaque(rawPointerToValue!).takeUnretainedValue()