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Python multi level default dict

I am making inverted index.For this purpose I am taking values from a file.Each value of a file is in form:


This is a forward index representation.I want to convert it into inverted index which should look like


For that purpose I am using default dict of list type.This is my function:

nestedDict = defaultdict(lambda:defaultdict(list))

def getInfo(line):
    global nestedDict
    tokens = re.split(r'\t+',line)
    docInfo = int(tokens[0]) #Set document Id
    termId = int(tokens[1]) #Set Term Id
    currentPosition = int(tokens[2])
    nestedDict[str(termId)][str(docInfo)] = str(currentPosition)        
    if len(tokens) > 3 :
        for i in range(3,len(tokens)):
            position = int(tokens[i])-currentPosition
            currentPosition = currentPosition + position

It is giving me an error:Str has no method .append. I am new to python.Any help would be highly appreciated.


  • Your nested defaultdict makes nestedDict[...][...] be a list, but then you assign a string to it. I don't think you need that assignment anyway: why not just let the loop handle all of the positions?