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Creating a class to wrap Properties

I want to create a class that wraps Properties and specifically hides the file I/O operations. I have come up with the abridged code below. This is intended to read the properties from a file at a fixed location outside of the class path. It also has a method to write the properties to the same file.

 /* Defines key properties of the iFlag application.
  * Methods read and write properties.

public  class ClientProperties {
    private Properties props;
    private static String xPanelSizeStg = "32"; 
    private static int    xPanelSize = 32;
    private static String configFilename = "/home/myname/config/";  

    public ClientProperties() {
        props = new Properties();

     * Reads properties from file
     * Reads the current properties object from file.
     * The file is stored in /home/mimibox/config/

    public  Properties readPropertiesFromFile( ){
        // create and load default properties
        InputStream input = null;
        logger.trace("Read flag config properties.");
        try {
            input = new FileInputStream( configFilename );
            //load a properties file from class path, inside static method     
            //get the property values and save
            xPanelSizeStg =  props.getProperty("xPanelsize","32");
            yPanelSizeStg =  props.getProperty("yPanelsize", "32");
        catch (IOException ex) {
            logger.error("Could not open config file" + configFilename,ex );
                try {
                catch (IOException e) {
                logger.error( "Could not close config file" + configFilename,e );
        return props;
     * Writes properties to file
     * Writes the current properties object to file.
     * The file is stored in /home/mimibox/config/

    public void writePropertiesToFile() {
   //saves the current properties to file.  Overwrites the existing properties.
    Properties props = new Properties(); //a list of properties
    OutputStream outStrm = null;"Writing default flag config properties.");
                 System.out.println("Panel size x = " + xPanelSizeStg );
    try {
        outStrm = new FileOutputStream( configFilename );
        // set the properties values
        props.setProperty("xPanelsize", xPanelSizeStg);
        props.setProperty("yPanelsize", yPanelSizeStg);
         // save properties to file, include a header comment, "This is the Server configuration file");

        } catch (IOException io) {
            logger.error( "The file :{0} could not be opened", configFilename,io);
        } finally {
            if (outStrm!= null) {
                try {
                } catch (IOException e) {
                  logger.error("The file :{0} could not be closed", configFilename, e);

The read and write methods work. What doesn't work is trying to change the value of a property, and then save it. The demo code below successfully reads the properties file and displays the correct value for XPanelsize. I then change that value and attempt to write the properties to a file. The new value 64 for xPanelsize is not written to the file.

    public static void main(String[] args) {
    Properties props;
    ClientProperties p = new ClientProperties();
    props = p.readPropertiesFromFile(); 
    String txt = props.getProperty("xPanelsize");
         System.out.println("Panel size x = " + txt );
    p.setProperty("xPanelsize","64");  //method not found error

So I would like to be able to use the Property.setProperty() method to set the value of a property. When I do that, the changed property is not written to the file. I can see that is because I have more than 1 Property instance and one is not visible to the other. I think I need to extend the built-in Properties class to achieve what I want to do, but I am not sure how to make it all work.

I have found plenty of examples of using Properties on the internet. What I haven't found are any examples that hide the related file I/O in a class. How would I do that??


  • You should probably need to create a getter for your 'props' object.

    public Properties getProps()
        return props;

    And you will be able to invoke it like this:

    p.getProps().setProperty("key", "value");

    Or, if you are planning to make your ClientProperties class a children of Properties class, then you will need to use 'extends' and you would be able to invoke it by using

    p.setProperty("key", "value");

    And in this case you wouldn't need any Properties object in your class' fields.