I have a large data set that, when graphed, resembles the graph of sin(x)+1 with three peaks. I want to integrate under each peak and get three different areas. I do not know the coordinate location of the peak, and I cannot assume that I know the wavelength. So I need to find the three peaks and separate the data into three corresponding vectors. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
You can accomplish what you want using the findpeaks
function. Take the following example:
We generate two vectors x
and y
of data:
x = linspace(0, 5*pi); % x data.
y = sin(x) + 1; % y data.
Then we use findpeaks
to find the peaks of our dataset and retrieve their indexes (locs
>> [~, locs] = findpeaks(y)
locs =
11 51 90
We can see that the function has found 3 peaks with coordinates: [x(11), y(11)]
, [x(51), y(51)]
and [x(90), y(90)]
By calling findpeaks
without output arguments we can get a plot of the data with the peak values overlaid which is often useful for a visual verification:
>> findpeaks(y)
We can divide our dataset very easily with the following for
loop, and store the different subsets in a cell array:
n = numel(locs);
for i = 1:n + 1
if i == 1
x_cell{i} = x(1:locs(i));
y_cell{i} = y(1:locs(i));
elseif i <= n
x_cell{i} = x(locs(i-1):locs(i));
y_cell{i} = y(locs(i-1):locs(i));
x_cell{i} = x(locs(i-1):end);
y_cell{i} = y(locs(i-1):end);
This will give us:
K>> x_cell
x_cell =
1×4 cell array
[1×11 double] [1×41 double] [1×40 double] [1×11 double]
K>> y_cell
y_cell =
1×4 cell array
[1×11 double] [1×41 double] [1×40 double] [1×11 double]
So we have divided our dataset successfully. Each cell contains a subset of the original dataset.
Now we can use trapz
inside a for
loop to find the numerical integration of each subset:
k = numel(y_cell);
for i = 1:k
A(i) = trapz(x_cell{i}, y_cell{i});
These are the results:
>> A
A =
2.6004 6.4099 6.0931 2.6004
Finally I thought it would be nice to plot the different regions together using the area
function and a for
hold on;
for i = 1:k
area(x_cell{i}, y_cell{i}, 'FaceColor', i/k*[1, 1, 1]);
hold off; axis tight;
grid on; box on;
The different regions are clearly visible here: