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Extract self-properties in block-method

I have some trouble in understanding my specific request, in Swift. There is a class named Origin and multiple its subclasses. How I can update my block-method written ONLY in Origin class?

class Origin: NSObject {
    func mod(_ block: (() throws -> Void)) {
        try! block()

I need use mod from all Origin subclasses, and I need to have this usage effect:

var originSubclassObject = OriginSubclass() 
originSubclassObject.mod {
    .age = 12 //age is OriginSubclass property
    .name = "Bob" //name is OriginSubclass property

So, you see, I need extract OriginSubclass properties for using in mod-block. I need to create usage exactly likes in usage effect code (extract mod-caller properties from "."). Thanks all for help!


  • You could consider a protocol with a default implementation, e.g.:

    protocol Modifiable { }
    extension Modifiable {
        func mod(_ block: ((Self) throws -> Void)) {
            try! block(self)
    class Origin: Modifiable { }
    class OriginSubclass: Origin {
        var name: String?
        var age: Int?

    And then:

    let originSubclassObject = OriginSubclass()
    originSubclassObject.mod { object in
        object.age = 12 = "Bob"


    let originSubclassObject = OriginSubclass()
    originSubclassObject.mod {
        $0.age = 12
        $ = "Bob"

    Or, if that base class was only there for the mod method, you could lose it entirely:

    protocol Modifiable { }
    extension Modifiable {
        func mod(_ block: ((Self) throws -> Void)) {
            try! block(self)
    class MyObject: Modifiable {
        var name: String?
        var age: Int?


    let myObject = MyObject()
    myObject.mod { object in
        object.age = 12 = "Bob"


    let myObject = MyObject()
    myObject.mod {
        $0.age = 12
        $ = "Bob"