In Crafter CMS, I attempted to publish changes to a document and it seems to be hung forever. Even if I shut it down and start it back up, it just gets stuck and I can't do anything with the document anymore. I get the following error message in catalina.out every 10 seconds:
[INFO] 2017-09-22 12:51:56,847 [studioSchedulerFactoryBean_Worker-1] [job.DeployContentToEnvironmentStore] | Publishing is disabled for site mysite
I also notice in the mongod.log file, every few seconds it opens 51 connections and then a few seconds later closes them all and opens them back up again. It does this endlessly. Is that normal?
Why is publishing disabled? Is that a setting I need to change to enable it?
Is there some way to stop it so I can continue working? Right now I am completely stuck and may resort to blowing away the whole project and starting from scratch, but this is certainly not an acceptable once I get a few more documents created, so I hope there is an alternative.
Any ideas or help you can give?
Assuming you're on 3.0.1 or 3.0.0, there is a publishing bug that's fixed in 3.0.2 development branch (not released yet, but you can build from source):
If you don't want to upgrade to a development branch (understandable), a quick temporary fix is: cd {crafterpath}/data/repos/sites/{yoursiteid}/published git reset --hard git pull -s recursive -Xtheirs origin master
If you have delivery nodes that are wired to this site, then you can blow away the git folder on the delivery and it'll rebuild itself (if you're seeing issues with deployment to delivery nodes). If this is live, take node out of the load-balancer first etc.
Expect the issue to come up again and for you to need to git reset/pull again until you upgrade.