I am trying to convert a character vector callback to a function handle. However, I am calling multiple callbacks which I assume I could create a cell array with anonymous functions?
Here is the code:
'Position',[cnst.bhspace 3*cnst.bvspace+2*cnst.bheight cnst.bwidth cnst.bheight],...
'String','Run Simulation','fontsize',10,'FontWeight','Demi',...
'CallBack','eval(codeblk.CLOSE_MDL_FCN); set(guiel.cPanel(4),''Visible'',''off'');set(guiel.APPWINDOW,''Resize'',''off''); primePlot;',...
What I am trying to do is to write codeblk.CLOSE_MDL_FCN
into a function handle and the rest to be anonymous function handles? However, I am not sure how I can do that.
codeblk.CLOSE_MDL_FCN = ['if ~isempty(find_system(''Name'',vars.simfilename))'...
'vars.simtime = str2num(get_param(vars.simfilename,''StopTime''));'...
The idea when creating a callback using a function handle is that it is a single function to handle everything for when that GUI object is interacted with. Using a cell array callback is for when you need to pass additional data to the function, not for calling multiple functions. Here's how I would suggest you design your button callback:
guiel.hPB(2) = uicontrol(..., 'CallBack', @callback_hPB2, ...);
And you would then define two nested functions:
function callback_hPB2(~, ~)
set(guiel.cPanel(4), 'Visible', 'off');
set(guiel.APPWINDOW, 'Resize', 'off');
function close_fcn
if ~isempty(find_system('Name', vars.simfilename))
vars.simtime = str2num(get_param(vars.simfilename, 'StopTime'));
set(guiel.hSimtime, 'String', num2str(vars.simtime));