After several years away from Delphi (2006) I'm thinking about returning, to try cross platform Windows-OS X development. I have an old Mac Mini, dual booting Win10 and OS X. Everything I've found discussing cross platform Delphi involves configurations with the two OS's running simultaneously, either two machines or one machine+one virtual machine. (With 4G of RAM I don't think I have the memory for the latter option.)
I'm wondering if I could develop in Win10 (without MacOS running), compile, push to source control, etc. and then later pull the files to test in MacOS (without Win10 running)?
You could build OSX applications on Windows without OSX connection with Delphi XE2-XE6.
Since Delphi XE7 OSX SDK and connection profile is needed for building the OSX applications.
Building or deploying OSX app doesn't work without active connection profile to OSX computer