I am saving a dictionary of type [String : Any]
to UserDefaults,
When I print the dictionary before saving to UserDefaults, the boolean value from the dictionary prints as true or false, However when I retrieve the dictionary it prints out as 0 or 1.
I have seen similar SO questions where the advice was to use Any
instead of AnyObject
which I did.
Below is the code I am using, please advice where I am going wrong.
static var profileDetails : [String: Any]{
let defaults = UserDefaults.standard
let profileDetailsDict = defaults.object(forKey: "profileDetails") as? [String: Any] ?? [String : Any]()
print("Get profileDetailsDict : \(profileDetailsDict), type: \(type(of: profileDetailsDict))")
return profileDetailsDict
set (profileDetailsDict){
let defaults = UserDefaults.standard
print("Set profileDetailsDict: \(profileDetailsDict)")
defaults.set(profileDetailsDict, forKey: "profileDetails")
let profileDetailsDict = ["availabilityTimesDict": ["Saturday": ["times": [["startTime": 9:00 AM, "endTime": 1:30 PM], ["startTime": 2:30 PM, "endTime": 6:00 PM]], "weekday": Saturday, "available": true], "Tuesday": ["times": [["startTime": 2:30 PM, "endTime": 6:00 PM]], "weekday": Tuesday, "available": true]], "mobileNumber": "8458465845", "namesArray": ["name1", "name2"]] as [String: Any]
// Setting profileDetailsDict
profileDetails = profileDetailsDict
// Retrieving profileDetailsDict
let userDetails = profileDetails
That's normal.
When an object is saved to UserDefaults
any numeric value is bridged to NSNumber
and the representation of true
and false
in NSNumber
is 1
and 0
You get real true
and false
back with
dict["available"] as! Bool