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Create observable from object that stays alive

I'm new to RxJS. I want to create an observable of an AppState object that may change at any time, and subscribe to it to get those changes. This is a stripped down implementation:

export class AppState {

  public get observable(): Observable<any> {
     return Observable.of(this._state);

// appState is injected into my component via angular DI

     .subscribe((appState) => {
        console.log('appState: ', appState);)
     }, (err) => {
        console.log('Error: ' + err);
     }, () =>{

But it only runs once and immediately calls completed. So when I change my appState, the subscription already ended.

How do I keep the subscription alive forever, like KnockOutJS style. This is used in an Angular application

UPDATE: I got it partially working with Subject. But the problem is now it is emitting many duplicates of the same value.

// full appState.ts
import { Injectable } from '@angular/core';
import { Observable, Subject, BehaviorSubject } from 'rxjs';

export type InternalStateType = {
   [key: string]: any

export class AppState {

   public _state: InternalStateType = {};
   public subject: Subject<any>;

   constructor() {
      this.subject = new Subject();

    * Return an observable for subscribing to.
   public get observable() {
      return this.subject;

    * Return a clone of the current state.
   public get state() {
      this._state = this._clone(this._state);;
      return this._state;

    * Never allow mutation
   public set state(value) {
      throw new Error('do not mutate the `.state` directly');

   public get(prop?: any) {
       * Use our state getter for the clone.
      const state = this.state;
      return state.hasOwnProperty(prop) ? state[prop] : state;

   public set(prop: string, value: any) {
       * Internally mutate our state.
      return this._state[prop] = value;

   private _clone(object: InternalStateType) {
       * Simple object clone.
      return JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(object));

What needs to be changed to get it to only emit the change once for each change to this._state?


  • You need to use a Subject, or a BehaviorSubject.

    A Subject will emit values to subscribers as they are passed to the Subject, while a BehaviorSubject will emit the last value given upon subscription and then continue to emit values as they become available.