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PhpStorm: How by means of the hotkeys to jump the cursor for braces?

How by means of the hotkeys to jump the cursor for braces? Arrows do this is not convenient since I type blind by touch typing method.

function abc($x)
    if($x <= 2) {
    return $x; | <---- cursor here
   } | <-- how to jump here? (hot keys) (Notepad++ ctrl+\+\ forth, ctrl+/ - back)

More precisely in Notepad++ this movement was one word forward or backward.

Is there something similar in PhpStorm? Or am I alone all over the world typing touch typing?


  • To move forward/backward by word, use Ctrl+Left and Ctrl+Right arrows - this works in most editors, though what each editor considers a "word break" may be different (some consider "_" to break words and some don't, for example).

    To move to the opening brace or the closing brace for the current block, use Ctrl+[ or Ctrl+].