I have a couple of columns on an index page where I would like to include line breaks.
<th><?= $this->Paginator->sort('name') ?></th>
<th><?= $this->Paginator->sort('temp', ['label' => 'Temperature (C)']) ?></th>
<th><?= $this->Paginator->sort('vol', ['label' => 'Volume (m^3)']) ?></th>
What I would like is for the column "units" to be underneath the "unit name". Essentially, I want to replace the space before the units with a "br" tag.
Ideally, these "th" items should render out similar to the following:
This can be done like so:
<?= $this->Paginator->sort('temp', 'Temperature<br>(C)', ['escape' => false]) ?>
See the documentation for an example on using html in sort links.