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iOS 10: UITableViewCell's delete button custom height

Using custom UITableViewCell, I'm trying to change the height of tableViewCell's delete button. I've tried all the solutions available here on SO.

Everyone has mentioned that in customTableViewCell class we need to override layoutSubviews method and iterate over self.subViews to find a subView which should be equal to UITableViewCellDeleteConfirmationView or in other iOS versions it is UITableViewCellDeleteConfirmationControl so I have used following code:

- (void)layoutSubviews
    [super layoutSubviews];

    [UIView beginAnimations:nil context:NULL];
    [UIView setAnimationBeginsFromCurrentState:YES];
    [UIView setAnimationDuration:0.0f];

    for (UIView *subView in self.subviews) {
        NSLog(@"subview: %@", self.subviews);
        if([NSStringFromClass([subView class]) rangeOfString:@"Delete"].location != NSNotFound) {
            CGRect newFrame = subView.frame;
            newFrame.size.height = 87;
            subView.frame = newFrame;

    [UIView commitAnimations];

But self.subView only have two views i.e.

  • UITableViewCellContentView
  • UITableViewCellSeparatorView

How to get tableViewCell's delete button view in iOS 10+?


Here is my view hierarchy :

enter image description here


  • For anybody who is struggling with the same problem.

    In iOS10+ view hierarchy for UITableView's delete button has been changed. Now it comes under UITableView - UISwipeActionPullView - UISwipeActionStandardButton

    enter image description here

    So now instead of overriding custom UITableViewCell's layoutSubviews method, we need to iterate UITableView subviews in order to get UISwipeActionStandardButton. And I found tableView's willBeginEditingRowAtIndexPath delegate as an appropriate place,

    - (void)tableView:(UITableView *)tableView willBeginEditingRowAtIndexPath:(NSIndexPath *)indexPath
        for (UIView *subview in tableView.subviews) {
            if ([NSStringFromClass([subview class]) isEqualToString:@"UISwipeActionPullView"]) {
                if ([NSStringFromClass([subview.subviews[0] class]) isEqualToString:@"UISwipeActionStandardButton"]) {
                    CGRect newFrame = subview.subviews[0].frame;
                    newFrame.size.height = 72;
                    subview.subviews[0].frame = newFrame;
                    //Other changes on this view can also be applied like
                    subview.subviews[0].backgroundColor = [UIColor redColor];
                    subview.subviews[0].layer.cornerRadius = 12;
                    subview.subviews[0].layer.masksToBounds = YES;