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How can I force weasyprint to use the colors in PDF?

When I use

$ weasyprint table.html table.pdf

on it generates a PDF which looks like this:

enter image description here

As you can see, the heading is black, not red. Also, the table is not striped anymore.

Somehow weasyprint removes all colors. How can I prevent this behaviour / keep the colors? (I don't necessarily need to use weasyprint, but I don't know any better alternative)

I use WeasyPrint version 0.40.

What I've tried

  • pandoc table.html -o table.pdf: Does not apply CSS page rotation; does not apply CSS
  • wkhtmltopdf table.html out.pdf: Does not apply CSS page rotation; (but applies some CSS - not the color, though)
  • import pdfkit;pdfkit.from_file('table.html', 'outpdfkit.pdf'): Does not apply CSS page rotation (looks the same as wkhtmltopdf)


  • The main problem is that Bootstrap 3 contains the following:

    @media print{
        *,:after,:before {
            background:0 0!important;

    So weasyprint is actually behaving as intended. Removing this leads to the expected results.