I have a basic blog application which uses redactor as the means for inputting text. However when images are uploaded they are saved as HTML tags in the 'body' field. For example:
<p>Test blog post</p><p><img src="/uploads/11/4d3ca0098c-dsc9011.jpg"></p>
is what gets saved in the 'body' field.
This is how I am retrieving and displaying the data:
foreach($dataProvider->getModels() as $post){
echo Html::a('<div class="well well-sm" id="inner"><h3>'.$post->subject.'</h3>', '/post/view?id=' .$post->id);
echo 'Posted By: ' .$post->user->username . ' <br/><i class = "glyphicon glyphicon-time"></i> '.Yii::$app->formatter->asDatetime($post->updated_at) . '<br/>Views: ' .$post->view_count .'</div>';
Is there a way I can add an 'if' statement in there to say
if ($post->body contains < img > tag)
{ display < img > }
searcjhes for a string within a string http://php.net/manual/en/function.strstr.php
So you could try:
if (strstr($post->body, '<img ')) {
Another way to grab the tag could be some regex, although it could mismatch depending on the HTML:
$html = '<html>
<etc />
<div><img src="blah.jpg" /></div><br />
$regex = '#<img .*?\/>#';
preg_match($regex, $html, $matches);
Which will output string(22) "<img src="blah.jpg" />"
Here's the code https://3v4l.org/4NCNs
Here's the regex https://regex101.com/r/m1IYpx/1/