Hello I have got the folder of all DSYM from archive of a build.Now i am trying to upload all the DSYM file as zip file but get this error.I have also tried to upload a single DSYM file as zip but still getting the error.
I have followed the steps from here https://docs.fabric.io/apple/crashlytics/missing-dsyms.html#bitcode-download.but still no success
Below are my generated DSYM files.
Please tell me what is the issue ?
[![enter image description here]
Thanku Mike for letting me know.
Try using the upload-symbols script in a terminal. For example:
/Applications/Fabric.app/Contents/MacOS/upload-symbols -a YourAPIKey -p ios /Users/mbonnell/Documents/PathToDSYM
PS: Replace the API key and path with actual values and that should output more information on why the dSYM can't be processed
Above solution worked for me.