I am not able to make SSH working.
I checked that SSH is enable on the Application and Space level.
But when i ran
cf ssh "MY-APP-NAME"
i get the following error:
Error: SSH session allocation failed: ssh: unexpected packet in response to
channel open: <nil>
I also tried to connect without CLi and using the command
ssh -p 2222 cf:abcdefab-1234-5678-abcd-1234abcd1234/0@ssh.MY-DOMAIN.com
But when i entered the password the server stopped the connection (i used Putty).
I am trying to access with SSH because i need to launch npm install
to install the dependencies of my application.
Thank you for your help
There is no need to ssh into an app to install dependencies. Please have a look at Swisscoms Getting Started Guide for Node.js: https://docs.developer.swisscom.com/tutorial-nodejs/index.html The section 'Declare App Dependencies' (https://docs.developer.swisscom.com/tutorial-nodejs/dependencies.html) shows you how you specify the dependencies in a file called 'package.json'. This will then be automatically installed by the nodejs buildpack (https://github.com/cloudfoundry/nodejs-buildpack).