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LAPACK zgemm op(A) dimension

In this link from netlib it specifies M as:

On entry, M specifies the number of rows of the matrix op( A ) and of the matrix C. M must be at least zero. Unchanged on exit.

So if I want to use a 3x10 matrix as A but I want to use it's conjugate for zgemm (TRANSA = 'C') what should I enter as M? 3 or 10?

Also when I used other LAPACK routines I entered 2D matrices as 1D like A[3*3] instead of A[3][3] and upon calling the routine I just used A for the matrix, Can I do the same with non-square matrices? A[3*10] instead of A[3][10]?

I code in C++.


  • A/ Naming convention/clarification

    Before giving an answer and for a better clarity It is important to have this fact in mind:

    • in USA, M is used for row size and N for column size


    • in some other places, like Europe, this is the reverse N is for row size and M is for column size


    • All the Blas/Lapack doc you will find in use the USA convention

    • I (as a European) must admit that the USA convention is more logical like indices (i,j) and (m,n) follow the same alphabetical order

    To avoid such ambiguity I generally use:

    • I_size for row size and J_size for column size

    B/ Answers

    B.1/ gemm

    void cblas_zgemm(CBLAS_LAYOUT layout,
                     CBLAS_TRANSPOSE opA,
                     CBLAS_TRANSPOSE opB,
                     const int M, <-------------- I_Size of op(A) 
                     const int N, <-------------- J_Size of op(B)
                     const int K, <-------------- J_Size of op(A)
                     const void* alpha,
                     const void* A,
                     const int lda,
                     const void* B,
                     const int ldb,
                     const void* beta,
                     void* C,
                     const int ldc);

    In verbs if TRANSA = 'T' you must take the dimensions of the transposed A matrix.

    The implementation to call cblas_zgemm may look like:

    const Size_t opA_I_size = (opA == CblasNoTrans) ? A.I_size() : A.J_size();
    const Size_t opA_J_size = (opA == CblasNoTrans) ? A.J_size() : A.I_size();
    const Size_t opB_I_size = (opB == CblasNoTrans) ? B.I_size() : B.J_size();
    const Size_t opB_J_size = (opB == CblasNoTrans) ? B.J_size() : B.I_size();

    B.2/ Memory layout

    You must also take memory layout into account. There are two possibilities :

    • column major (Fortran style) you must allocate an array of size ld*J_size and Aᵢⱼ is A[i+ld*j] with 0 ≤ i < I_size and 0 ≤ j < J_size

    • row major (C style) you must allocate an array of size I_size*ld and Aᵢⱼ is A[j+ld*i] with 0 ≤ i < I_size and 0 ≤ j < J_size

    (where ld is the leading dimension)


    • Even if you are coding in C++ I recommend to use the Fortran convention (column major). Lapacke pretends to support row major mode too however, under the hood, it simply copies your matrix into a column major layout before calling the requested subroutine. So this extra facility is only an illusion (concerning perfs). To be more precise this is the LAPACKE_dge_trans() function. You can check Lapacke code to see that this function is used nearly everywhere as soon as Layout=RowMajor (see the lapacke_dgesv_work() code for instance).

    • Also note that if you want generic strides ("arbitrary leading dimension" in both I and J directions) you can use library like Blis instead of Blas. The real advantage is to be able to create arbitrary 2D-views of Tensors. This choice depends on your application, I do not know if you have tensor manipulation in mind.

    B.3/ Matrix dimensions

    If your matrices will always be as small as 3x10 blas/lapack is not a good choice (for perfomance). Considere using a library like Eigen or Blaz.