I want to change png image to gif image using python3.6 how can I do that? i'm making a GUI program with tkinter and i haver to change png to gif image so i can display on my program please help
tk = Tk()
tk.configure(bg = 'white')
tk.title("SearchKeyWord V2.0")
canvas = Canvas(tk,width = 880, height = 550,bd = 0,highlightthickness = 0)
txt = Entry(tk)
txt.place(relx = .9,rely = .3,anchor = "c")
LOGO = PhotoImage(file = 'SKW-LOGO.gif')
button_1 = PhotoImage(file = 'button.gif')
button_2 = PhotoImage(file = 'button_news_1d.gif')
button_3 = PhotoImage(file = 'button_news_1w.gif')
button = tkinter.Button(tk,image = button_1,command = search)
button_news_1d = tkinter.Button(tk,image = button_2)
button_news_1w = tkinter.Button(tk,image = button_3)
canvas.create_image(0,0,anchor = NW, image = LOGO)
button.place(relx=.8, rely=.5, anchor="c")
button_news_1d.place(relx =.8,rely = .7, anchor = "c" )
button_news_1w.place(relx =.8,rely = .9, anchor = "c" )
You can use pillow’s ImageTk
to load the image directly as png.
import tkinter as tk
from PIL import Image, ImageTk
image_o = Image.open("photo.png")
image = ImageTk.PhotoImage(image_o)
# Use image as to how you would in tkinter
root = tk.Tk()
button = tk.Button(root, image = image)
Unlike tkinter‘s PhotoImage, which limits you to use only a certain type of images including the widespread gif file, ImageTk’s PhotoImage can take any PIL recognizable image type by having pillow to load it first.
If you don’t have pillow yet, do pip install pillow
Added: (thanks to Mike - SMT’s valuable comment)
In newer releases of tk/tkl 8.6+, tk natively supports png image format.
Warning: this version of tk isn’t supported in some python interpreters.