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Python: Integrate product of exponential and gaussian function

I have a function y which is a product of y1 = exp(-x) and exp(-x^2):

y1 = exp(-x)

y2 = exp(-x**2)

y = y1*y2 = exp(-x)*exp(-x**2) = exp(-x **2-x)

Integrating the functions y1 or y2 works fine using sympy:

>>> import sympy as sy
>>> import numpy as np
>>> x = sy.Symbol('x')
>>> y1 = sy.exp(-x)
>>> sy.integrate(y1, (x, 0, np.inf))


>>> y2 = sy.exp(-x**2)
>>> sy.integrate(y2, (x, 0, np.inf))

However, whenever I'm trying to integrate the product y1*y2 = y, the integral is not accepted:

>>> y = y1*y2
>>> sy.integrate(y, (x, 0, np.inf))
Integral(exp(-x)*exp(-x**2), (x, 0, np.inf))

Perhaps I'm blind and missing something obvious.


  • If sympy cannot evaluate it symbolically, then it just returns an Integral object. You need to either use a more powerful symbolic calculator like maxima or Wolfram|Alpha (link to solution)), or else resort to numerical integration. Here are a few options for numerically integrating it:

    import sympy as sy
    import numpy as np
    import scipy as sp
    import scipy.integrate
    x = sy.Symbol('x')
    y1 = sy.exp(-x)
    y2 = sy.exp(-x**2)
    y = y1*y2
    # Pure scipy without sympy
    print(sp.integrate.quad(lambda x: np.exp(-x) * np.exp(-(x**2)), 0, np.inf))
    # Mix of scipy and sympy
    print(sp.integrate.quad(lambda x_arg: y.subs(x, x_arg).evalf(), 0, np.inf))
    # Without using scipy
    print(sy.mpmath.quad(sy.lambdify([x], y), [0, np.inf]))