I want to use both getopts
and positional parameters, but if I pass in a positional parameter to the program the getopts
get lost.
while getopts l: flag; do
case "$flag" in
l) level=$OPTARG;;
if [ -n "$level" ]; then
echo "Level exist!"
echo "Level doesn't exist!"
So when I run the program like this:
sh myprogram.sh ~/documents -l 2
I expect:
Level exist!
And instead it returns:
Level doesn't exist!
The thing is, if I run the program without the positional parameter (~/documents) like this:
sh myprogram.sh -l 2
I get the correct output:
Level exist!
Why is that? How can I use both positional parameters and getopts
in bash?
Most tools are written in the form: tool [options] arg ...
So you would do this:
# first, parse the options:
while getopts l: flag; do
case "$flag" in
l) level=$OPTARG;;
\?) exit 42;;
# and shift them away
shift $((OPTIND - 1))
# validation
if [ -n "$level" ]; then
echo "Level exist!"
echo "Level doesn't exist!"
# THEN, access the positional params
echo "there are $# positional params remaining"
for ((i=1; i<=$#; i++)); do
printf "%d\t%s\n" $i "${!i}"
Use the \?
to abort the script if the user provides an unknown option or fails to provide a required argument
And invoke it like:
$ bash test.sh
Level doesn't exist!
there are 0 positional params remaining
$ bash test.sh -l 2
Level exist!
there are 0 positional params remaining
$ bash test.sh -l 2 foo bar
Level exist!
there are 2 positional params remaining
1 foo
2 bar
$ bash test.sh -x
test.sh: illegal option -- x
$ bash test.sh -l
test.sh: option requires an argument -- l
But you cannot put the options after the arguments: getopts stops when the first non-option argument is found
$ bash test.sh foo bar -l 2
Level doesn't exist!
there are 4 positional params remaining
1 foo
2 bar
3 -l
4 2