It would have simpler if my nested objects were dictionaries, but these are list of dictionaries. Example:
all_objs1 = [{
'a': 1,
'b': [{'ba': 2, 'bb': 3}, {'ba': 21, 'bb': 31}],
'c': 4
}, {
'a': 11,
'b': [{'ba': 22, 'bb': 33, 'bc': [{'h': 1, 'e': 2}]}],
'c': 44
I expect output in following format:
{'a': 1, '': 2, '': 3, 'c': 4},
{'a': 1, '': 21, '': 31, 'c': 4},
{'a': 11, '': 22, '': 33, 'bc.h': 1, 'bc.e': 2, 'c': 44},
Basically, number of flattened objects generated will be equal to (obj * depth)
With my current code:
def flatten(obj, flattened_obj, last_key=''):
for k,v in obj.iteritems():
if not isinstance(v, list):
flattened_obj.update({last_key+k : v})
last_key += k + '.'
for nest_obj in v:
flatten(nest_obj, flattened_obj, last_key)
last_key = remove_last_key(last_key)
def remove_last_key(key_path):
second_dot = key_path[:-1].rfind('.')
if second_dot > 0:
return key_path[:second_dot+1]
return key_path
{'a': 1, '': 31, 'c': 4, '': 21},
{'a': 11, 'b.bc.e': 2, 'c': 44, 'b.bc.h': 1, '': 33, '': 22}
I am able to flatten the object (not accurate though), but I am not able to create a new object at each nested object. I can not use pandas library as my app is deployed on app engine.
from itertools import product
from pprint import pprint as pp
all_objs = [{
"a": 1,
"b": [{"ba": 2, "bb": 3}, {"ba": 21, "bb": 31}],
"c": 4,
#"d": [{"da": 2}, {"da": 5}],
}, {
"a": 11,
"b": [{"ba": 22, "bb": 33, "bc": [{"h": 1, "e": 2}]}],
"c": 44,
def flatten_dict(obj, parent_key=None):
base_dict = dict()
complex_items = list()
very_complex_items = list()
for key, val in obj.items():
new_key = ".".join((parent_key, key)) if parent_key is not None else key
if isinstance(val, list):
if len(val) > 1:
very_complex_items.append((key, val))
complex_items.append((key, val))
base_dict[new_key] = val
if not complex_items and not very_complex_items:
return [base_dict]
base_dicts = list()
partial_dicts = list()
for key, val in complex_items:
partial_dicts.append(flatten_dict(val[0], parent_key=new_key))
for product_tuple in product(*tuple(partial_dicts)):
new_base_dict = base_dict.copy()
for new_dict in product_tuple:
if not very_complex_items:
return base_dicts
ret = list()
very_complex_keys = [item[0] for item in very_complex_items]
very_complex_vals = tuple([item[1] for item in very_complex_items])
for product_tuple in product(*very_complex_vals):
for base_dict in base_dicts:
new_dict = base_dict.copy()
new_items = zip(very_complex_keys, product_tuple)
for key, val in new_items:
new_key = ".".join((parent_key, key)) if parent_key is not None else key
new_dict.update(flatten_dict(val, parent_key=new_key)[0])
return ret
def main():
flatten = list()
for obj in all_objs:
if __name__ == "__main__":
c:\Work\Dev\StackOverflow\q046341856>c:\Work\Dev\VEnvs\py35x64_test\Scripts\python.exe [{'a': 1, '': 2, '': 3, 'c': 4}, {'a': 1, '': 21, '': 31, 'c': 4}, {'a': 11, '': 22, '': 33, 'b.bc.e': 2, 'b.bc.h': 1, 'c': 44}]
if not complex_items ...