I want to create a checkout form which includes expiry date TextInput
. It will look like a this (MM/YY). After adding first 2 digits it will automatically add / then the person can type last 2 digits for the year. I found this code on the other question. But it doesn't work. When you type inside the form nothing is typed. Here is the code. How can I make this code work as needed?
constructor() {
this.state = {
isReady: false
componentDidMount() {
isReady: true
onChange(text) {
let newText = '';
let numbers = '0123456789';
for (var i = 0; i < text.length; i++) {
if ( numbers.indexOf(text[i]) > -1 ) {
newText = newText + text[i];
this.setState({myNumber: newText})
formatFunction(cardExpiry = ""){
//expiryDate will be in the format MMYY, so don't make it smart just format according to these requirements, if the input has less than 2 character return it otherwise append `/` character between 2nd and 3rd letter of the input.
if(cardExpiry.length < 2){
return cardExpiry;
return cardExpiry.substr(0, 2) + "/" + (cardExpiry.substr(2) || "")
//if the input has more than 5 characters don't set the state
if(inputText.length < 6){
const tokens = inputText.split("/");
// don't set the state if there is more than one "/" character in the given input
if(tokens.length < 3){
const month = Number(tokens[1]);
const year = Number(tokens[2]);
//don't set the state if the first two letter is not a valid month
if(month >= 1 && month <= 12){
let cardExpiry = month + "";
//I used lodash for padding the month and year with zero
if(month > 1 || tokens.length === 2){
// user entered 2 for the month so pad it automatically or entered "1/" convert it to 01 automatically
cardExpiry = _.padStart(month, 2, "0");
//disregard changes for invalid years
if(year > 1 && year <= 99){
cardExpiry += year;
render (){
let {cardExpiry} = this.state;
return (
<Image style={styles.image} source={require('../img/cover.jpg')}
<Content style={styles.content}>
<Item >
<Icon active name='card'/>
<Input keyboardType='numeric' maxLength={16} placeholder='Card Number'
onChangeText = {(text)=> this.onChange(text)}
value = {this.state.myNumber}/>
<Item style={{ marginBottom:10}}>
<Icon active name='calendar' />
<Input keyboardType='numeric' placeholder='MM/YY'
value = {this.formatFunction(cardExpiry)}
<Item style={{ marginBottom:10}}>
<Icon active name='lock' />
<Input maxLength={3} secureTextEntry={true} placeholder='CVV'/>
Use this code to handle your problem:
constructor(props) {
this.state = { text: '' };
handleChange = (text) => {
let textTemp = text;
if (textTemp[0] !== '1' && textTemp[0] !== '0') {
textTemp = '';
if (textTemp.length === 2) {
if (parseInt(textTemp.substring(0, 2)) > 12 || parseInt(textTemp.substring(0, 2)) == 0) {
textTemp = textTemp[0];
} else if (this.state.text.length === 2) {
textTemp += '/';
} else {
textTemp = textTemp[0];
this.setState({text: textTemp})
render() {
return (