Consider the following code. It writes "n" elements at a time. "n" was 5 for the intel compiler and "n" was 4 for pgi
imat=2 ! just for example
x ((real(pr(i,j,imat)),i=1,icels),j=1,jcels)
Where the "x" is a continuation character. I want the output to be formatted the same for both compilers. An example:
6.2500001E-03 7.0312498E-03 7.8125000E-03 8.5937502E-03
9.3750004E-03 1.0156250E-02 1.0937500E-02 1.1718750E-02
How do I replace the * with a correct format? Would prefer a fortran77 compliant answer.
You can replace the * with '(4(E13.6,1X))' (including the quotes). This takes advantage of a Fortran feature called format reversion.
I will note that your code is already not Fortran 77 compliant, so I am not sure why you are concerned about that.