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mc.cores > 1 is not support on windows

enter image description hereI am new in R programming and I have code like below and I know that the windows does not support multicore but I don't know how to change this part of the code. Can someone suggest me an equivalent code without using the mc.cores feature?

rpl <- unlist( lapply( waydf$geometry$coordinates , nrow ) ) # row per line
 waydf <- waydf[ rpl > 1 , ]
ll <- parallel::mclapply( waydf$geometry$coordinates , st_linestring,
                         mc.cores =parallel::detectCores() - 1  )
outdf <- sf::st_sf(
line_geometry = sf::st_sfc( ll , crs = epsg ) ,
osm_id = waydf$id


  • If all you want to do is make it so this code doesn't run in parallel, you just need to tell it to use 1 core, then it will use lapply under the hood.

    ll <- parallel::mclapply(waydf$geometry$coordinates, st_linestring, mc.cores = 1)

    Or just swap mclapply out for lapply.

    ll <- lapply(waydf$geometry$coordinates, st_linestring)