Search code examples

Slick: two queries, one transaction

Let's say I have two tables:


id: long | uuid: UUID     | name: String



id: long | owner_id: long | name: String

Where owner is a foreign key to

I have a query that selects all owner cars by owner's uuid (just an API design).

The question is: how can I execute the following queries in one transaction where I have to get by its uuid (SELECT id from people where uuid = ?) and then SELECT * from cars where owner_id = id?

Of course, I can get the id from people table by its uuid at first, like

val ownerId = db run people.filter(_.uuid === uuid.bind).map(

And then run another query to select cars by owner_id:

val cars = ownerId.flatMap { 
  id => db run cars.filter(_.ownerId === id).result 

But this will not happen in one transaction. Any thoughts?


  • There is a transactionally method for the slick actions. You should use:

    import slick.driver.PostgresDriver.api._  // for example
    val query = for {
      p <- peoples.filter(_.uuid === "some-id")
      c <- cars.filter(_.owner_id === p.uuid)
    } yield (p, c)
    val action = query.result
    val transactionalAction = action.transactionally // will be executed 
                                                     // in single transaction
    // Ungrouped result
    // TODO: You can group on db side by your query or 
    // on client side using groupBy from collection API
    val result:Future[Seq[(People, Cars)]] =