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Serializing class decorated with XmlRoot, error when used in List

When i try to serialize a class element of type Test, it gives an xml with root element as "testing" which is set using XmlRoot.

But when I try to serialize an element of class Elems, Test element is serialized with root element "Test" instead of "testing".

public class Test

public class Elems
   public List<Test> how = new List<Test>();

    public Elems()
        how.Add(new Test());
        how.Add(new Test());
        how.Add(new Test());

This the Output when Elems is serialized,

<Elems xmlns:xsi="" x
    <Test />
    <Test />
    <Test />

instead this is what i need.

<Elems xmlns:xsi="" x
    <testing />
    <testing />
    <testing />



  • Try like this:

    public class Test { }
    public class Elems
        public Elems()
            How = new List<Test>();
            How.Add(new Test());
            How.Add(new Test());
            How.Add(new Test());
        public List<Test> How { get; set; }
    class Program
        static void Main()
            var elems = new Elems();
            var serializer = new XmlSerializer(elems.GetType());
            serializer.Serialize(Console.Out, elems);