I created a new device mydevice/
under $AOSP_ROOT/device/
. I am trying to add the git into $AOSP_ROOT/.repo
for local tracking purpose, I found it extremely useful if I can see the changes when performing a repo status
or repo diff
. These are the steps I tried:
git init
at mydevice
folder, leave changes uncommitted$AOSP_ROOT/.repo/manifest.xml
Unfortunately, when I performs repo status
my project is not reflected in the output. What did I do wrong?
Let's say $HOME
is /home/consy/
is /home/consy/aosp/
#init a local bare repo as the remote repo of `mydevice`
cd $AOSP_ROOT/device/
git init mydevice
git commit --allow-empty -m 'init repository'
cd $HOME
git clone $AOSP_ROOT/device --bare -- mydevice.git
cd $AOSP_ROOT/device
rm -rf mydevice
#create .repo/local_manifests (this is a feature of repo)
mkdir -p $AOSP_ROOT/.repo/local_manifests
#create a manifest under `local_manifests`.
#You can name it whatever you like except that the manifest's content should be like:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<remote fetch="file:///home/consy/" name="this"/>
<!-- it allows only one "default" in the manifests that take effect -->
<!-- so, do not define the "default" element here -->
<project name="mydevice" path="device/mydevice"/>
Now when you run repo sync
, the project(s) defined in the local manifest will be added into $AOSP_ROOT
as extra projects. You can use repo commands like repo status
to manipulate these extra projects. The repository will be cloned from /home/consy/mydevice.git
and be checked out to $AOSP_ROOT/device/mydevice
. After you make new commits under $AOSP_ROOT/device/mydevice
, you can run git push this <ref>:<ref>
to upload the commits to /home/consy/mydevice.git
. Later, when you think it's ready to publish this new repository to a real host like Github or your own Gerrit, you can add a new remote pointing to Github or Gerrit and push through it. Then add the project definition <project name="mydevice" path="device/mydevice"/>
into the main manifest you use when repo init
, commit the change, and push to the remote manifest repository. After that, you can remove the local manifest under $AOSP_ROOT/.repo/local_manifests
in order to avoid a duplicate-project error.
As to the the local manifest feature, see Local Manifests
at https://gerrit.googlesource.com/git-repo/+/master/docs/manifest-format.md. If the link can't be accessed to, google repo manifest format
. The doc is also available under .repo/repo/docs