I want to draw direction with waypoits based on the result of google direction Api, From this URL I want to parse the response and draw the route on the google map.
From the result I am taking the value of "routes"
-> "overview_polyline"
-> "points"
to deaw the line, I am having "points" value as
"overview_polyline" : {
"points" : "yhd}@madqMD]CiA]eF[_HMaCKg@]]SUIUMq@Cw@Cy@M_AUkAsCqAuA{@Y]w@oAeA}BuAaDaAkCa@{@g@y@eCsCi@g@kAs@o@OuBWwCUs@As@@cBJoAVaI`CiC|@iD~@mBf@gFjB{C`AoBl@eEnA_HxBYHiEj@wDd@uEv@aEv@{BNkA@sACwEGy@?oAHiBVs@P}@\\aEpBuHpDuG~CqDbB{FpCeDrAyCv@kIlBwLrCkCl@qF~@cDf@yEx@}BZ[DCSdBWzAWCMvCg@rF_AhAQC_@S}Ak@oAs@qAKg@EiCOuAEi@PqCj@}DBc@?_EMwB?{AJoAAoAgAEoE?aCEkACHv@AZm@XmA`@m@H@FF~@KrAYhAe@xCIhFCxC?jBDf@Bj@ZzDFn@Nt@TlBB~@N`BDd@@Jn@IlCe@t@MBLpKaB`Eu@pEeAxKoCvJ{BvBq@tAm@JT]L}B|@yCv@kIlBwLrCkCl@qF~@cDf@yEx@}BZmCb@gMtB{GbAiHhAeBR_CJaA@mACuG[gBGiABcDHwGRqQl@yANaBZ{Bl@qB~@qAv@aCjByCfCmA|@uBhAwCvAkAd@kBl@sDhA}HbCyH|BeBx@oErB}Br@sFlAoAZu@Zu@\\}A`AwAdAa@^m@n@i@x@i@dAe@tAkBpGoAjDgCtGqFfOyErL{@jBsAbCmAtBo@x@s@t@i@f@mE|C?HEJ_DjC{CbCmD`DMLFFLLv@g@f@WTE^AxBJrCRv@L\\Lf@^d@p@HZH\\Rc@L[@@PD`@J~@HR?@IBET@l@BBG@OH[Fc@dADDAE@eAEGb@IZANCFm@CUACDAHS?_AIs@QAAMZSb@I]I[e@q@g@_@]Mw@MsCSyBK_@@UDg@Vw@f@_@e@oAdAmAp@gChAwAb@qHxBsHfCcAd@sBjAoHrFgAt@}@j@w@b@cBl@eBd@aANuAJ}EBqCEuCFoD`@s@NcAXSHEHQNwG|BXbDYcDwDxAOFEOiAb@cBt@mBrA}@~@cAvAkApB_AfCuAvDy@zBi@tAq@nAk@v@g@h@aAp@wAr@}@ZaATyB\\w@B}@@wACs@EoAOuBk@cM{DaAQwAImA?uIZgDBwDCsA@_AF}@LkAX{@ZcCdA{JhEyAl@cEnBkCvAsEnCiBnAcEdCaDtB{D`CaClA_GlCsErBJPkHzCwSjJCk@`GmCzG}CtHcDzMeGlEwBlMcIvA{@MItCkB"
Now I want to parse this and draw the route map.
I am using drawDirectionToStop()
to draw the route, I am passing to the value of "points" decodeOverviewPolyLinePonts()
for parse,
private void drawDirectionToStop(DirectionData.Overview_polyline overviewPolyline) {
if (overviewPolyline != null) {
List<LatLng> polyz = decodeOverviewPolyLinePonts(overviewPolyline.getPoints());
if (polyz != null) {
PolylineOptions lineOptions = new PolylineOptions();
lineOptions.color(ContextCompat.getColor(getActivity(), R.color.colorAccent));
//This function is to parse the value of "points"
public List<LatLng> decodeOverviewPolyLinePonts(String encoded) {
List<LatLng> poly = new ArrayList<LatLng>();
if (encoded != null && !encoded.isEmpty() && encoded.trim().length() > 0) {
int index = 0, len = encoded.length();
int lat = 0, lng = 0;
while (index < len) {
int b, shift = 0, result = 0;
do {
b = encoded.charAt(index++) - 63;
result |= (b & 0x1f) << shift;
shift += 5;
} while (b >= 0x20);
int dlat = ((result & 1) != 0 ? ~(result >> 1) : (result >> 1));
lat += dlat;
shift = 0;
result = 0;
do {
b = encoded.charAt(index++) - 63;
result |= (b & 0x1f) << shift;
shift += 5;
} while (b >= 0x20);
int dlng = ((result & 1) != 0 ? ~(result >> 1) : (result >> 1));
lng += dlng;
LatLng p = new LatLng((((double) lat / 1E5)),
(((double) lng / 1E5)));
return poly;