I am trying to get request with this structure:
<reportParams xsi:type="ns1:personCreditReportParams">
Here is my php-code:
$obj = new \stdClass();
$obj->personId = 4;
$obj->consentConfirmed = true;
$data = new \SoapVar($obj, SOAP_ENC_OBJECT, "personCreditReportParams", $namespace, "reportParams");
$res = $this->client->getCreditReportTypes(new \SoapParam($data,"reportTypeRequest"));
However, php generates invalid xml:
<ns1:getCreditReportTypes xsi:type="ns1:personCreditReportParams">
How can I make a valid XML with object-way?
For those who'll get the same problem. My solution is to use nusoap (https://github.com/yaim/nusoap-php7). This library allows you to make complicated requests, including SWA (SOAP with Attachments). Here is working code for my question:
$person = array("personId"=>$id, "consentConfirmed"=>$confirmed);
$data = array(
"reportParams"=>new soapval("reportParams", "personCreditReportParams", $person, false, $namespace)
$result = $client->call("getCreditReportTypes", $data, $namespace);
P.S. I've tried some generators and no one could make correct request, although classes were generated correctly.