Currently I have implemented following custom validation, but I don't know how to attach a custom message if the validation fails. To clarify, I need to define the error message when extending validator
Validator::extend('phone_number', function($attribute, $value, $parameters)
// is there anyway I could define a error message here, if this validation fails,
if (strlen($value) === 9)
if (substr($value, 0, 1) === '0')
return false;
if (substr($value, 0, 1) != '0')
return false;
return true;
I have currently placed this code within boot method, and in documentation they say there's a way to define custom message as follows, but I really don't understand it.
public function boot()
Validator::replacer('foo', function ($message, $attribute, $rule, $parameters) {
return str_replace(...);
You can specify your message by adding a third parameter to the extend
method like this :
Validator::extend('phone_number', function($attribute, $value, $parameters) {
if (strlen($value) === 9)
if (substr($value, 0, 1) === '0')
return false;
if (substr($value, 0, 1) != '0')
return false;
return true;
}, 'Your custom message goes here'); // <--- HERE