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unlist all versions of a nuget package from VSTS package feed

I have a package in a private package feed of my Visual Studio Team Services (VSTS) account and want to unlist all versions of my package since it's deprecated and has been superseded by a different package.Thus I want to mark the old package as deprected by unlisting it (not deleting it, if possible)

Unfortunately all I can find is a button that unlists one specific version of the package, like described here. Removing my legacy package that way takes ages since I have to unlist easily 30 versions before the package is removed from my feed.

I know that has the functionality to unlist all versions of a package with just one click and I'd consider it to be a basic function. Does anyone know whether there's a trick or hidden button that allows me to unlist packages more easily in VSTS? Or is there maybe a nuget cli command for that?


  • No matter by VSTS web UI or nuget cli, the packages can only be unlisted one by one.

    The format for unlist a package as:

    nuget delete <packageID> <packageVersion> [options]

    But you can write your own script to unlist packages in your VSTS feed in loop. Detail steps as:

    1. Add the VSTS feed as source with credential

    nuget sources add -Name "feedname" -Source "" -Username <Alternate username/email> -password <Alternate password/PAT>

    2. List all the packages in the VSTS feed

    nuget list -source feedname -AllVersions

    3. Loop the packages you get in step2, and unlist them in the loop

    nuget delete packagename packageversion -source feedname -ApiKey key