I work with Hybris and in the beans.xml file we can define POJOs to be used in projects.
I want to know how can I define a POJO in Spring with a property of type List where E should be another type I define in my beans.xml.
For example, I want to define a POJO like this:
public class MyPojo{
private String someProperty;
public String getSomeProperty(){
return someProperty;
public void setSomeProperty(String someProperty){
this.someProperty = someProperty;
And another POJO that will contain a list of MyPojo:
public class MyPojoListHolder{
private List<MyPojo> myPojoList;
public List<MyPojo> getMyPojoList(){
return myPojoList;
public void setMyPojoList(String myPojoList){
this.myPojoList= myPojoList;
MyPojo would be defined in my beans.xml as follows:
<bean class="my.package.MyPojo">
<property name="someProperty" type="java.lang.String"></property>
I can define MyPojoListHolder like this:
<bean class="my.package.MyPojoListHolder">
<property name="myPojoList" type="java.util.List"></property>
But that creates a class with myPojoList defined as a List object, but I'd like it to be defined as List.
How can I achieve this?
You can do, for example, something like:
<property name="genders" type="java.util.List<com.your.package.data.GenderData>"/>
In your example, you would end up with
<bean class="my.package.MyPojoListHolder">
<property name="myPojoList" type="java.util.List<my.package.MyPojo>"></property>