I am trying to find the means, not including NAs, for multiple columns withing a dataframe by multiple groups
airquality <- data.frame(City = c("CityA", "CityA","CityA",
"CityC", "CityC"),
year = c("1990", "2000", "2010", "1990",
"2000", "2010", "2000", "2010"),
month = c("June", "July", "August",
"June", "July", "August",
"June", "August"),
PM10 = c(runif(3), rnorm(5)),
PM25 = c(runif(3), rnorm(5)),
Ozone = c(runif(3), rnorm(5)),
CO2 = c(runif(3), rnorm(5)))
So I get a list of the names with the number so I know which columns to select:
namelist <- data.frame(matrix(t(nam)));namelist
I want to calculate the mean by City and Year for PM25, Ozone, and CO2. That means I need columns 1,2,4,6:7)
acast(datadf, year ~ city, mean, na.rm=TRUE)
But this is not really what I want because it includes the mean of something I do not need and it is not in a data frame format. I could convert it and then drop, but that seems like a very inefficient way to do it.
Is there a better way?
We can use dplyr
with summarise_at
to get mean
of the concerned columns after grouping by the column of interest
airquality %>%
group_by(City, year) %>%
summarise_at(vars("PM25", "Ozone", "CO2"), mean)
Or using the devel
version of dplyr
(version - ‘’
airquality %>%
group_by(City, year) %>%
summarise(across(PM25:CO2, mean))